They were divided into three tiers, led by the Cru Bourgeois Exceptionnel (the best wines, with just nine chateaux on this rung), followed by Cru Bourgeois Supérieur (87 properties) and then the standard Cru Bourgeois bestates/b (151 properties). b..../b Chateau La bGorre/b; Chateau Grand Clapeau Olivier; Chateau Grandis; Chateau Granins Grand Poujeaux; Chateau Grivi?re; Chateau Haut-Beauséjour; Chateau Haut-Bellevue; Chateau Haut Breton Larigaudi?re; Chateau Haut-Canteloup ...
Métros lignes 1, 4, 7, 11 et 14 et RER A, B, D, E. Station de métro Châtelet?les-Halles, sortie Place du Châtelet. Bus n° 21, 38, 47, 72, 74. Parkings St-Germain-L'Auxerrois, Pont-Neuf ou bHôtel/b de Ville. Le catalogue Vilmorin en ligne b.../b